Canning Recipes: Boiling Water Method
The following recipes are safely canned by the boiling water method. Do not pressure can
these recipes because the food quality would be unacceptable.
Sterilize the jars used for the 3 preserve recipes marked with a ♠,
because the processing time is less than 10 minutes. To sterilize them, boil them
for 10 minutes.
If you live at an altitude of 304 metres or more, boil an additional minute for
each 304-metre increase in altitude. If preferred, instead of sterilizing the jars,
you can increase the processing time to 10 minutes. The additional processing
time is not harmful to most gels.
If your altitude is above 304 metres, the processing time needs
adjustment; refer to pages 23 and 34.
To process fruits and tomatoes using the boiling water method, refer to the
instructions on pages 24 to 33.
Quick Fresh-Pack Dill Pickles
8 pounds of 3- to 5-inch pickling
8 quarts water
1¼ cups canning or pickling salt
1½ quarts vinegar (5% acidity)
¼ cup sugar
2 quarts water
2 tablespoons whole mixed pickling
3 tablespoons whole mustard seed
(1 teaspoon per 500 ml jar)
14 heads of fresh dill (1½ heads per
500 ml jar)
OR 4½ tablespoons dill seed
(1½ teaspoons per 500 ml jar)
Wash cucumbers. Cut
-inch slice off blossom end and discard, but leave
¼-inch of stem attached. Dissolve ¾ cup salt in 8 quarts water. Pour over
cucumbers and let stand 12 hours. Drain.
In a large pot, combine vinegar, ½ cup salt, sugar, and 2 quarts water. Add
mixed pickling spices tied in a clean, white cloth. Heat to boiling. Fill hot jars
with cucumbers. Add 1 teaspoon mustard seed and 1½ heads fresh dill to each
500 ml jar.
Cover with boiling pickling liquid, leaving ½-inch headspace. Remove air
bubbles. Prepare jar rims. Adjust two-piece lids. Process 500 ml jars for
10 minutes and 1 litre jars for 15 minutes.
Yield, 500 ml jars: about 7 to 9
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