Pack hot tomatoes in hot jars, leaving ½-inch headspace. Fill jars
with hot cooking liquid, leaving ½-inch headspace. Remove air
bubbles. Prepare jar rims. Adjust two-piece lids.
Raw Pack: Add bottled lemon juice or citric acid to hot jars (page 29). Add
salt, if desired (page 29). Pack prepared tomatoes in hot jars,
leaving ½-inch headspace. Fill hot jars with boiling water, leaving
½-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Prepare jar rims. Adjust
two-piece lids.
Pressure canning:
Process at 69 kPa (10 psi), 500 ml and 1 litre jars for
10 minutes. When processing at an altitude of 305 metres or above, process at
103 kPa (15 psi) for the same amount of time.
Boiling water canning:
Process 500 ml jars for 40 minutes and 1 litre jars
for 45 minutes. When processing at an altitude of 305 metres or above, see the
chart on the opposite page.
Tomato Juice
Wash ripe, juicy tomatoes. Remove stem ends. To prevent juice from
separating, quickly cut about 1 pound of tomatoes into quarters and put directly
into a large pot.
Heat immediately to boiling while crushing. Continue to slowly add and crush
freshly cut tomato quarters to the boiling mixture. Make sure the mixture boils
constantly and vigorously while adding more tomatoes. Continue until the pot
is three-quarters full. Simmer for 5 minutes.
If juice separation is not a concern, simply slice or quarter tomatoes into a large
pot. Crush, heat, and simmer for 5 minutes before juicing.
Press heated juice through a sieve or food mill to remove skins and seeds. Heat
juice again to boiling. Add bottled lemon juice or citric acid (page 29) to hot
jars. Add salt, if desired (page 29). Fill hot jars with hot tomato juice, leaving
½-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Prepare jar rims. Adjust two-piece lids.
Pressure canning:
Process at 69 kPa (10 psi), 500 ml and 1 litre jars for
15 minutes. When processing at an altitude of 305 metres or above, process at
103 kPa (15 psi) for the same amount of time.
Boiling water canning:
Process 500 ml jars for 35 minutes and 1 litre jars
for 40 minutes. When processing at an altitude of 305 metres or above, see the
chart on the opposite page.
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