To avoid scratching the ceramic glass surface of the smooth-top or
induction range, also check the bottom of the canner to be sure it is clean,
free of debris, and does not have nicks or scratches.
3. Check Mason jars for nicks, cracks, and sharp edges. Check screw bands
for dents or rust. Use only jars, lids, and screw bands in perfect condition
so an airtight seal may be obtained.
Wash and rinse the jars, lids, and screw bands. Pour hot water into the jars
and set aside until needed. Follow the closure manufacturer’s directions
for preparing lids.
4. Select fresh, firm food. Sort food according to size. Clean food thoroughly.
Prepare according to specific recipe. Fill hot jars promptly with food and
liquid to recommended level.
Allow ½-inch headspace for fruits. Most vegetables and meats require
1-inch headspace due to expansion during processing.
Work out the air bubbles with a clean nonmetallic spatula. Wipe the
sealing edge clean with a damp cloth. Adjust the screw bands according to
the closure manufacturer’s directions.
Place 3 quarts of hot water
and the canning rack in the canner (Fig. K).
For hot packed foods, the water can be heated to 82°C (180°F) which is
not quite boiling. No matter how many jars are being canned, 3 quarts of
water are needed for pressure canning.
When processing for times in excess of 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes),
always add an additional quart of water over and above what is called for
in the recipe or instructions.
To prevent water stains on the jars, add 2 tablespoons
of white vinegar to the water in the canner. Always
use the rack; the jars may break if set directly on the
bottom of the canner.
6. Place the jars on the canning rack immediately after
each jar is filled.
7. Hold the cover up to the light and look through the
vent pipe (Fig. L) to be certain it is clear before
placing the cover on the canner.
If it is clear, proceed to step 8.
Fig. K
Fig. L
3 qt fill
01785 4033-017A CUL English weighted gauge induction canner.indd 14
01785 4033-017A CUL English weighted gauge induction canner.indd 14
12/13/19 10:34 AM
12/13/19 10:34 AM