Fast EDO Lead Off
Under Auto config., the BIOS will identify which type of DRAM is
being used. Choose the setting accordingly. To customize, use this option.
Choose Enable or Disable. If the system is using EDO DRAM, choose
enable. But if the system is using both EDO and FP DRAM, choose Disable.
Refresh RAS# Assertion
The settings are 4 Clks or 5 Clks. Using 60 ns DRAM at 75 Mhz Bus
Clock must be set to 5 Clks, while 66/60/55 Mhz Bus Clock must be set to 4
Clks. But if you use 70 ns DRAM, it must be set to 5 Clks.
Fast RAS to CAS Delay
The settings are 2 or 3. 2 RAS to CAS delay is set to 2 clock, while
3 RAS to CAS delay is set to 3 clock. The clock is dependent with the
DRAM Timing and Bus Clock.
DRAM Page IDLE Timer
The settings are 2 Clks, 4 Clks, 6Clks, or 8 Clks. Default settings is 2
DRAM Enhanced Paging
Choose Enable(default) or Disable.
Fast MA to RAS# Delay
The settings are 1 Clks or 2 Clks(default). During 1T, one bus clock
is allowed, while 2T allows two bus clock for MA address setup time to
RAS assertion. This is also dependent on DRAM Timing.
The settings are 3/3 or 2/2. This option is for SDRAM CAS latency
time and RAS# to CAS# delay time. The default setting is 3/3.