Model 3710 Plasma Control Console
Issued: 01/02
Run ventilation fans when operators are cleaning out booths, pipes, etc. to
prevent accumulation of dust or fumes in the system. NEVER weld or cut
while repairing any ventilation or dust collecting equipment unless the
equipment has been thoroughly cleaned.
1.6 Toxic Material
Almost any material, in finely divided form, can damage the respiratory
system. Damage is often not sensed immediately. Take care to keep
floors, work benches, and booths free of dusty residues. Carefully clean
protective clothing to remove dust, or discard clothing after use.
Specific precautions for protecting the health of spray equipment
operators vary according to the type of material being sprayed.
Beryllium and Lead
Praxair Surface Technologies does not recommend spraying beryllium,
lead, or their compounds because they are highly toxic and hazardous.
1.6.2 Cadmium
Cadmium is highly toxic and hazardous. Use respiratory protective
equipment such as fume respirators approved by the U.S. Bureau of
Mines, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), or
other approving authority.
Cobalt, Chromium, and Tellurium
The principal hazard when spraying or blasting these materials comes
from ingestion, inhalation, and the subsequent absorption of fumes, dust,
or vapors.
The fumes and dust from chromium alloys (such as stainless steels, nickel
chromium, and chromium oxide) and tellurium are toxic and hazardous.
Provide respiratory protection and adequate ventilation wherever the fume
and dust concentration is above the threshold limit (see "Threshold Limit
Valves" in section 1.6.6).