− World Leaders in RC Power Supply Systems
Once switched on, the backer can only be turned off again using the switch
unit. Intermittent contacts or interruptions in the power supply cannot cause
the backer to be switched off.
When switched on, the unit’s integral screen shows this display:
Key to the individual display points:
- Digital voltage display:
This extremely accurate display allows you to read off the voltage of the bat-
tery directly, i.e. the voltage which is present at the
of the
- Graphic voltage display:
A brief glance into the model provides you with information about the bat-
teries’ state of charge. This display is always correct for the type of battery
you have selected. This means that the bar will extend right to the top of the
box if the connected battery is fully charged - assuming that you have set
the correct battery type. If the bar only fills the bottom third of the box, then
the corresponding battery is almost flat. This indicator is supplemented by
the residual capacity display.
- Residual battery capacity (Cockpit/Competition only):
This display shows the momentary capacity value of the battery - again, as-
suming that you have previously set the battery type correctly. This display
is capable of providing very accurate information about the remaining bat-
tery capacity, although ageing effects or defective batteries may falsify the
value. In practice this means that you should always take both values into
account: if the remaining capacity appears to be high, but the voltage has
already fallen to a low level, you should consider it an urgent necessity to
check the battery more closely.