SS2L / SS2R Series
11.4.5 Auto-Calibration Mode
If necessary, initialize all setting values to the original values set after auto-calibration or return
them to the factory setting values.
11.4.5.A Performing Auto-Calibration
11.4.5.B Initializing Setting Values (RESET)
All setting values return to the standard factory setting values.
11.4.5.C Re-adjustment of Zero & Span (STEN)
Only Zero and Span is re-set without changing other values set after auto-calibration.
11.4.5.D Re-booting (COLD)
① Reverse acting (RA) is a standard factory setting. Even if air lines are connected
wrongly by mistake, the SS2 positioner detects automatically and performs auto-
calibration for direct acting (DA).
② If the actuator doesn’t work with 4-20mA input signal properly, change air lines
of OUT1 and OUT2 with each other and perform auto-calibration again.
③ For a reverse acting type (RA), a countdown will begin like RA-5-4-3-2-1-END.
For a direct acting type (DA), a countdown will begin like 5-RA-DA-4-3-2-1-END.