Competition Mode:
For use in competitions where distance features are not permitted. All
distance measuring features will be disabled.
Competition Mode can be activated and deactivated from the
Settings menu.
When the FW7s GPS is switched off, Competition Mode will
automatically turn off, re-activating distance features for the next
Low Signal:
In certain atmospheric conditions your FW7s GPS may experience
a low GPS signal during start up or during play, a pop up will be
displayed to indicate this. Once you move to a better signal strength
area, the trolley will continue to search for a GPS lock.
The pop-up can be removed by pressing any button.
Auto Save:
After completing the 18 holes, press centre knob to save the scorecard
or the left or right buttons to exit without saving. Your saved cards can
be viewed in the Settings menu.
(Note: The save function is only available after completing the full 18 holes)
3. If you have forgotten to enter a score or need to edit a score,
press the control dial to advance the hole, or press and hold the
left button to go backwards to previous holes.
4. Press and hold the right button to return to the default display
when finished.
Your new FW7s GPS is ready to use, but there are a number of
preferences you can change in the main menu. To enter the main
menu settings:
1. With the trolley powered and the default display shown press and
hold both left and right function buttons for 3 seconds to enter the
main menu.
2. The main menu setting options will be shown (see opposite
3. To exit the menu press either left or right buttons to return to the
default display.
4. To move to a setting use the rotary control dial to move the cursor
and press the control knob to select the option you want to
5. The option will be highlighted, use the rotary control to select the
new setting and press the control dial to confirm.
Settings Options
Save Scorecard
Competition Mode
Low Signal
Settings Menu Page 1