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0300-GB KLINGEN_385
Holder for a quick change of cutter blades
For Your Safety
• Regularly check that cutter blades are tightened firmly!
- Cutter blades on a cutter disc should wear out simultaneously
(danger of imbalance).
Otherwise they are to be replaced with new ones (replace in
- Buckled or damaged cutter blades must not be used further.
• Buckled, damaged and/or worn cutter blade holders (30) should
not be used further.
Checking the mowing blade suspension
- Normal check every 50 hours.
- Check more often when mowing on stony terrain or in other difficult
operating conditions.
- Check immediately after driving over a hard obstacle (e.g. stones
pieces of wood, ect).
Carry out a check
- as described in chapter „Changing the Cutter Blades“
Damaged, buckled and worn out parts must not be
used further (danger of accident).
Changing the Cutter Blades
(up to 2003 model)
1. Insert lever (H) horizontally between cutter disc and
holder (30)
2. Push movable holder (30) down using lever (H).
3. Remove cutter blade (M)
4. Clean forage remains and dirt away.
around the bolts (31) and inside the borehole (32)
5. Check:
• blade bolts (31) for damage, wear and fitting
• holder (30) for damage, change in position and fitting
• borehole (32) for damage.
- Side surfaces must not show signs of deformation
6. Fit cutter blades and remove lever (H)
• Put the lever (H) in both the recesses in the tool case.
• Close tool case and secure with spring clip