Pottinger CAT 230 plus Скачать руководство пользователя страница 38

A empresa PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H 
esforçase continuamente por melhorar os 
seus produtos, adaptando-os à evolução 

Por este motivo, reservamonos o direito de modificar 
as figuras e as descrições constantes no presente 
manual, sem incorrer na obrigação de modificar 
máquinas já fornecidas.
As características técnicas, as dimensões e os pesos 
não são vinculativos.
A reprodução ou a tradução do presente manual de 
instruções, seja ela total ou parcial, requer a autorização 
por escrito da
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen
Todos os direitos estão protegidos pela lei da prop-
riedade intelectual.

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Beroende på den tekniska utvecklingen 
arbe-tar PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H. på att 
förbättra sina produkter.Vi måste därför 

förbehålla oss förändringar gentemot avbildningarna 
och beskrivningarna i denna bruksanvis-ning. Däremot 
består det inget anspråk på förändringar av produkter 
beroende av denna bruksanvisning.
Tekniska uppgifter, mått och vikter är oförbindliga. Fel 
Ett eftertryck och översättningar, även utdrag, får endast 
genomföras med skriftlig tillåtelse av
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A – 4710 Grieskirchen
Alla rättigheter enligt lagen om upphovsmannarätten 

La société PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H améliore 
constamment ses produits grâce au progrès 

C'est pourquoi nous nous réser-vons le droit de 
modifier descriptions et illustrations de cette notice 
d'utilisation, sans qu'on en puisse faire découler un droit 
à modifications sur des machines déjà livrées.
Caractéristiques techniques, dimensions et poids sont 
sans engagement. Des erreurs sont possibles.
Copie ou traduction, même d'extraits, seulement avec 
la permission écrite de
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Tous droits réservés selon la réglementation des 
droits d'auteurs. 

Following the policy of the PÖTTINGER Ges.
m.b.H to improve their products as technical 
developments continue, PÖTTINGER 

reserve the right to make alterations which must not 
necessarily correspond to text and illustrations contai-
ned in this publication, and without incurring obligation 
to alter any machines previously delivered.
Technical data, dimensions and weights are given as 
an indication only. Responsibility for errors or omissions 
not accepted.
Reproduction or translation of this publication, in 
whole or part, is not permitted without the written 
consent of the
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
All rights under the provision of the copyright Act are 

PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H werkt permanent 
aan de verbetering van hun producten in het 
kader van hun technische ontwikkelingen. 

Daarom moeten wij ons veranderingen van 
de afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen van deze 
gebruiksaanwijzing voorbehouden, zonder dat daaruit 
een aanspraak op veranderingen van reeds geieverde 
machines kan worden afgeleid.
Technische gegevens, maten en gewichten zijn niet 
bindend. Vergissingen voorbehouden.
Nadruk of vertaling, ook gedeeltelijk, slechts met 
schriftelijke toestemming van
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Alle rechten naar de wet over het auteursrecht voor-

La empresa PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H se 
esfuerza contínuamente en la mejora 
constante de sus productos, adaptándolos 
a la evolución técnica. Por ello nos vemos 

obligados a reservarnos todos los derechos de 
cualquier modificación de los productos con relación 
a las ilustraciones y a los textos del presente manual, 
sin que por ello pueda ser deducido derecho alguno a 
la modificación de máquinas ya suministradas.
Los datos técnicos, las medidas y los pesos se 
entienden sin compromiso alguno.
La reproducción o la traducción del presente manual 
de instrucciones, aunque sea tan solo parcial, requiere 
de la autorización por escrito de
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Todos los derechos están protegidos por la ley de la 
propiedad industrial. 

La PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H è costantemente 
al lavoro per migliorare i suoi prodotti 
mantenendoli aggiornati rispetto allo 
sviluppo della tecnica.

Per questo motivo siamo costretti a riservarci la facoltà 
di apportare eventuali modifiche alle illustrazioni e alle 
descrizioni di queste istruzioni per l’uso. Allo stesso 
tempo ciò non comporta il diritto di fare apportare 
modifiche a macchine già fornite.
I dati tecnici, le misure e i pesi non sono impegnativi. 
Non rispondiamo di eventuali errori. Ristampa o 
traduzione, anche solo parziale, solo dietro consenso 
scritto della
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti previsti dalla legge sul diritto 

Som led i den tekniske videreudvikling 
arbejder PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H hele tiden 
på at forbedre firmaets produkter.

Ret til ændringer i forhold til figurerne og beskrivelserne 
i denne driftsvejledning forbeholdes, krav om ændringer 
på allerede leverede maskinen kan ikke udledes 
Tekniske angivelser, mål og vægtangivelser er 
Der tages forbehold for fejl.
Kopiering eller oversættelse, også delvis, kun med 
skriftlig tilladelse fra
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Alle rettigheder forbeholdes iht. loven om ophavsret.

Som et ledd i den tekniske videreutviklingen 
arbeider PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H. stadig 
med forbedring av firmaets produkter.

Derfor tar vi forbehold om endringer i forhold til bildene 
og beskrivelsene i denne bruksanvisningen, krav 
om endringer på allerede leverte maskiner kan ikke 
utledes fra dette.
Tekniske angivelser, mål og vekt er veiledende. Med 
forbehold om feil.
Kopiering eller oversetting, også i utdrag, utelukkende 
med skriftlig tillatelse fra
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-4710 Grieskirchen.
Med forbehold om alle rettigheter iht. loven om 

Beroende på den tekniska utvecklingen 
arbetar PÖTTINGER Ges.m.b.H. på att 
förbättra sina produkter.

Vi måste därför förbehålla oss förändringar gentemot 
avbildningarna och beskrivningarna i denna 
Däremot består det inget anspråk på förändringar av 
produkter beroende av denna bruksanvisning.Tekniska 
uppgifter, mått och vikter är oförbindliga.
Fel förbehållna.Ett eftertryck och översättningar, 
även utdrag, får endast genomföras med skriftlig 
tillåtelse av
Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A – 4710 Grieskirchen
Alla rättigheter enligt lagen om upphovsmannarätten 











Содержание CAT 230 plus

Страница 1: ...GB 3425 4 3 2 02 5 4 6 29 0AGE 4RANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL PERATING ANUAL Ihre Your Votre Masch Nr Fgst Ident Nr R Drum mower CAT 230 plus Type PTM 331 01001 CAT 230 plus Conditioner Type PTM 331 0100...

Страница 2: ...damage is damage caused by a machine and not to it An excess of Euro 500 is provided for such a liabilioty In accordance with the laws of product liability entrepreneurial property damages are exclude...

Страница 3: ...hecked re tightness Q Drive shaft cut to correct lenght Q Correct power take off speed indicated Q Fitting to tractor carried out to three point linkage Q Trial run carried out and no defects found Q...

Страница 4: ...position 12 Parking the mower 12 TRANSPORT Road Transport 13 Parking the machine 13 STARTING WORK Important points befor starting work 14 Safety hints 15 CUTTING HEIGHT Cutting height adjustment 17 C...

Страница 5: ...ies with all relevant safety and health requirements Meaning of warning signs Danger flying objects keep safe distance from the machine as long as the engine is running Do not open or remove safety sh...

Страница 6: ...to 2 5 ha h nu of drums 2 no of blades per drum 4 maximum power take up at p t o 44 KW 60 HP maximum power take up with conditioner 59 KW 80 HP maximum p t o speed 540 rpm transport width 1850 mm tran...

Страница 7: ...aulic socket gear 60 to the swivel cylinder Pull out the supporting feet and secure them with the cotter pin Release hook 16 by means of the cord By controlling the tractor servo valve lower the frame...

Страница 8: ...lower link pin on mounting frame accordingly Important The mower must be aligned so that the edge of the tractor side drum is just outside the right hand tractor tyre Lower link pin 990mm 1040mm stand...

Страница 9: ...erhitchingthemoweratthetractor s3pointlinkage set it horizontal as seen from behind by adjusting spindles 15 of the linkage arms By twisting upper link spindle 16 cutting drums are brought into a hori...

Страница 10: ...ve shaft must be checked and adjusted if necessary see also supplement B Drive shaft adaption How to use the jack stand Lift cutter bar with the tractor hydraulics Raise jack stand with lever 2 and se...

Страница 11: ...al position Secure cutter bar with lock 13 Always check lock is engaged correctly before every road trip Important neverletthemowingmechanism run with the mower raised Lighting during use on roads If...

Страница 12: ...the hydraulic cylinder so that you can release the lock 3 Swing the cutter bar down Parking the mower Before you leave the tractor lower the machine on to ground Beforedisconnectinghose 26 extendcylin...

Страница 13: ...roads may only be undertaken as is described in the chapter Transporting Position Fasten lower hydraulic link so that implement cannot swing out sideways Parking the machine When the implement ist par...

Страница 14: ...hydraulicsmustbesettoenablethemower toadapttounevengroundsurfaces Thismeansthatthe lowest hydraulic position 60 cm must be limited Mounting frame horizontal Cutting drums horizontal or inclined slight...

Страница 15: ...e holder 30 is buckled and therefore the blade does not lie correctly any more 2 Turn p t o on Turn the p t o on only when all safety devices coverings protective aprons casings etc are in proper cond...

Страница 16: ...alue see Technical Data partly because of the differing cabin types of various tractors If a noise level of 85 dB A is reached or exceeded the farmer must have suitable hearing protection in readiness...

Страница 17: ...ight can be adjusted to any interval between 30 mm and 65 mm Bring the pitch cutter bar into the vertical position and lock 13 For Your Safety Der St tzfu ST soll am Boden aufstehen Attach the accompa...

Страница 18: ...ake ledge 24 To do this undo bolts S on the left and right of the mower Dinstance min 12 mm Dismounting mounting the rotor Do not open cover while engine is running Release clamp and hinge up cover Di...

Страница 19: ...uttom of its travel However the crop should Dismounting mounting the rotor Do not open cover while engine is running Release clamp and hinge up cover Disconnect rotor driveshaft 22 and withdraw throug...

Страница 20: ...as basic settings Because of the various types of crops an optimum setting of the guidingplatescanpossiblyfirstbeascertainedwhenthemachine is in use Swathes 1 Set the positions of the guiding plates s...

Страница 21: ...EXTRA DRY_330 21 GB EXTRA DRY TD 79 99 05 12 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 2324 25 2627 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 Spread width 1 Set the positions of the guiding plates see...

Страница 22: ...ent damage to the machine when working at full speed Anti hindrance safety device If the mower encounters an obstacle the springloaded safety device pos 1 is tripped and the cutter bar can swing back...

Страница 23: ...Schneidtrommel wieder zu befestigen Die Messer an einer Schneidtrommel m ssen gleichm igabgen tztsein Unwuchtgefahr ansonsten sind sie durch neue zu ersetzen Wechseln der Messer St tzen Sie den Hebel...

Страница 24: ...olid obstacle Check normally every 100 hours Check more frequently when mowing on stony ground Mowing discs If a mowing disc is worn through close to the mowing knives proceed as follows Remove bottom...

Страница 25: ...rod from rust Raising the frame Safety hints see supplement A1 Pkt 8a 8h Do not attach implement to tractor s lifting gear Connect hydraulic snap coupling for swivel cylinder Release hook 16 by means...

Страница 26: ...i lubrificazione I 8 h FETT TD 20 91 4 1 x j hrlich 1 fois par an once a year 1 x per jaar 1 x ro n 1 x vente III 7 Liter Oil level 2 5 3 5 cm lstand 2 5 3 5 cm Niveau d huile 2 5 3 5 cm Oliepeil 2 5...

Страница 27: ...fter every 8 hours operation 20h after every 20 hours operation 40 F all 40 loads 80 F all 80 loads 1 J once a year 100 ha every 100 hectares FETT GREASE Number of grease nipples IV see supplement Lub...

Страница 28: ...GB Anhang Titelblatt _BA Allgemein GB SUPPLEMENT...

Страница 29: ...heap buy can sometimes be very expensive Be sure you purchase the Original with the cloverleaf sym bol Quality and precise fitting Operating safety Reliable operation Longer lasting Economy Guaranteed...

Страница 30: ...ited a The transport of persons on the machine is not permitted b The machine may only be driven on public roads when in the position stipulated for road transport 7 Driving ability with auxiliary equ...

Страница 31: ...on use clean and lubricate driveshaft For winter working grease the tube guards to avoid them freezing together Matching driveshaft to tractor To determine the actual length required hold the two halv...

Страница 32: ...protect the implement against damage Driving the right way will avoid triggering the clutch too often and thus causing unnecessary wear on it and the implement Schmierintervall 500 h Spezialfett Impor...

Страница 33: ...lite le choix correct des lubri ants Sur le tableau de graissage on trouve un code p ex III se r f rant un lubrifiant donn En consultant ce code on peut facilement d terminer la sp ci cation demand e...


Страница 35: ...t mounted implement front ballast distance from centre of gravity for combinedfrontmountedimplement front ballast to front axle centre Tractor wheelbase distance from rear axle centre to centre of low...

Страница 36: ...he rear Record the calculated real and the permissible total weight given in the instruction handbook for the tractor into the table 5 CALCULATION OF THE REAL REAR AXLE LOAD TH tat Record the calculat...

Страница 37: ...ic safety and health requirements of EEC Directions 98 37 IF APPLICABLE and to the other relevant EEC Directions __________________________________________________________________________ TITLE AND OR...

Страница 38: ...t m b H A 4710 Grieskirchen Alle rechten naar de wet over het auteursrecht voor behouden La empresa P TTINGER Ges m b H se esfuerza cont nuamente en la mejora constante de sus productos adapt ndolos a...

Страница 39: ...S P TTINGER Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft m b H A 4710 Grieskirchen Telefon 0043 0 72 48 600 0 Telefax 0043 0 72 48 600 511 e Mail landtechnik poettinger co at Internet http www poettinger co at GEBR P...
