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The calibration option will cause the rotor unit to re-zero and turn to 000 degrees
Azimuth and Elevation. Internal program variables are reset.
If the optional sensor is installed and detected, two additional choices are then
displayed: CM for “Calibrate Magnetometer” and AC for Auto-Calibrate.
When optional sensor is installed two
choices are given; CM for Calibrate
Magnetometer and AC for Auto-Calibrate
The ‘Calibrate Magnetometer option’ is used to calibrate the magnetometer after
installation. Calibration data is stored in the controller for future use. This operation
is only needed if the operating environment changes.
The Auto-Calibrate function causes the Motor Controller to perform as Auto-
Calibration operation and realign to True North (based on detected magnetic
orientation and your previously entered Declination value, and return the elevation to
000 degrees.
Rotational Stoppage – Antenna Jam
In the event that during the rotation of the Antenna, it comes into contact with a
structure, tree, or other unmovable object that stalls the turn for more than 1 second,
the Controller will detect that the turn has stopped and will turn off the motor, display
the message “Turn Fail / FAULT” on the LCD and turn on the RED led with a constant
ON condition.
If a Rotational Jam does occur, stop any further attempts at antenna movement and
inspect the antenna site. The drive motor is relatively small but has a very high gear
reduction, and when operating from a 12 volt source can produce enough torque to
damage a light duty antenna.
To clear the condition after you have resolved the physical condition causing the
Antenna Jam, using the Rotor Controller in Manual mode, rotate the antenna in the
opposite direction that caused the JAM or power-cycle the Controller. Never force a
movement by hand.
Power-On RESET Options
There are two choices to Resetting the 12PRSAT System; Reset all saved data to the
default out of box settings, clearing all user entered settings and resetting all internal
stored states and Resetting as above minus the Vanity Call, Declination and
Copyright 2016 © Portable Rotation, Inc.
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Magnetometer Calibration data. To reset the Controller, turn on the unit while
holding down all 3 buttons until the sign on messages are displayed. The Firmware
Version will be displayed and you will be asked if you want to Reset the Memory.
Press the ‘CCW’ button to Reset All, or the ‘MODE’ button to do a partial Reset. Press
the ‘CW’ button for No. If yes, the controller then returns to normal operation, with
factory defaults, if no, the Reset is aborted. If the controller is experiencing erratic
operations in heading reporting or other operations, perform one of the two Reset
Voltage and Temperature Monitor
The Az/El Rotor system is designed to operate on ‘12 Volts’ DC. In general the term
’12 Volts’ can mean some voltage around 12 volts. Lead Acid and Gel Cell batteries do
not product an exact 12 Volts and most power supplies operate above 12 Volts. The
12PRSAT will operate properly at voltages between 11.8 and 14 volts. If the voltage
varies outside of the operating voltage margins, a message will be displayed warning
the operator the voltage is low or high.
If the voltage goes beyond the maximum or minimum safe operating voltage, the
system will fault and stop motor movement and halt operations with the error
message; “Halting / Hi Volts” or “Halting / LowVolts” To clear the condition, adjust the
power to within specification and power cycle the system.
The Rotor Unit will monitor its operating temperature reporting the data to the Hand
Controller. If the operating temperature reaches 65 degrees C a warning message is
displayed. If the temperature reaches 70 and above the system will stop operating
and require a power cycle to restart normal operations. This is designed to protect
the electronics when operating in extreme hot environments.
Remote Control
The Az/El Rotor Controller primary use mode is to be attached to a computer system
using the USB Type-B jack found on the front of the Controller. The controller
supports the Yaesu
GS232A Rotator Control Protocol. Default serial parameters
supported are: 9600 baud, 1 Start, 1 Stop, No Parity, No Handshake.
To enter the Remote Control mode of operation, with the controller on, press and
hold both the CW and CCW buttons. The display will show the following message:
RMT Mode
No Heading data is displayed in theis mode of operation.
The Ant Jam / Error LED with flash every time it
responds to a Report Current Heading Command