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MPK with CommandPak
Control System BACnet /IP User’s Guide
Two analog value objects are allocated for each set point, a readable value and a writeable value. To change a set point,
set the present value of the writeable object to the new set point value. Verify that the controller accepted the change by
reading the value of the corresponding readable object. The controller applies limits to the set point values. If the BAS
tries to set an inappropriate value, the readable object will show the min or max allowed value instead of the requested
value. The BAS can detect this event by verifying the change in the readable object’s present value. The following limits are
applied by the controller:
• Return Air Temperature: 75°F – 95°F
• Return Air Humidity: 40% – 65%
• Pool Water Temperature: 75°F – 95°F
• Damper Position: 0% – 100%
• Mixing Box Position: 0% – 100%
Set points for temperature are represented by integer values in degrees Fahrenheit.
The BAS can control the dehumidifier’s Purge mode directly. This control overrides all internal schedules and controls except
for the freeze protection algorithm. To force purge mode, set the xbBASForcePurMod object value to the ON state and the
xbBASForceNoPurMod object value to the OFF state. To force non-purge mode, set the value of the xbBASForcePurMod
object to OFF and the xbBASForceNoPurMod object to ON.
The xbAlarm_DO binary value object indicates the status of the system alarm flag. This status corresponds to the red light
inside the alarm button of the control module, CM1. When the present value of this object is ON, there is an uncleared
alarm present in the controller. If there are no active alarms present, the value of xbAlarm_DO will change to OFF.
If there are still active alarms present, the value of xbAlarm_DO will remain ON.
To determine the actual alarm condition, the BAS can examine the present value of the active fault objects. See the Fault
Code sections earlier in this document for a list of possible states.