Polk Audio XRt12 CI Guide
Page 9
Revision 3.0
Examples of System Response:
System response for the 'Get' commands are as follows:
(return command)
Current Channel Artist Name:
B.B. King
(1 blank space + 16 char return command)
Current Channel Song Title:
Take It Home
(1 blank space + 16 char return command)
(return command)
Current Channel Number is: 74
(2 blank 3 char return command)
Current Channel Name is:
(16 char return command)
Current Category Name is:
Jazz & Blues
(16 char return command)
(return command)
The RADIO ID is:
(8 char return command)
(return command)
Current Signal Quality is:
Good Signal
(This response represents 3 antenna bars)
Marginal Signal
(This response represents 2 antenna bars)
Weak Signal
(This response represents 1 antenna bar)
No Signal
(This response represents 0 antenna bars)
When an unrecognizable command is entered, the system will respond with:
Invalid Command
(+ return command)
When an unrecognizable parameter is entered, the system will respond with:
Invalid Parameter
(+ return command)