Polk Audio XRt12 CI Guide
Page 7
Revision 3.0
The ASCII Command Definitions
RS-232 Overview:
The RS-232 port allows communication with the XRt12. All commands that are present
on the front panel or the remote control of the XRt12 are available via the RS-232 port.
In addition, the display data that is shown on the LCD display (or video output) is
available over the RS-232 port. This document defines the ASCII commands, which are
used to control the Polk Audio XRt12.
The communication parameters for communicating with the Polk Audio XM Reference
Tuner - XRt12 are:
Parameter Setting
Bits per Second
Data Bits
Parity None
Stop Bit
Flow Control
Cable and connector Pin-Out:
DB9 female-to-female 1:1 cable
Pin 1 - Floating
Pin 2 - Transmit
Pin 3 - Receive
Pin 4 - Floating
Pin 5 - Ground
Pin 6 - Not connected
Pin 7 - Not connected
Pin 8 - Not connected
Pin 9 - Not connected