3. In the absence of disturbance signal, turn the potentiometer Walk Test to the
point where you hear no sound.
4. Approaching the center of the cone of the sensitive area, the buzzer there
evidence of an intermittent sound. The sensitive area is represented by the
graph on page 17.
5. Test of the acrossing, making sure the intermittent sound of the buzzer and
then the long beep and shutdown "LED Alarm" column on the Rx.
The sensitivity adjustment potentiometer (see page. 11, 12) affects the alert
threshold, the "sensitive area" (see p.17) and "dead zone" (see p. 18).
NB sensitivity too high can cause false alarms, conversely a too low can prevent the
detection of the small intruders.
Turn ON the dips of the "selector function" Numbers 6 and 10, leaving all others to
OFF. In this manner is displayed on the Voltmeter sensitivity value.
Note that small values indicate a higher value of sensitivity:
0V=maximum sensitivity
9V=minimum sensitivity
Calibration is performed taking into account the user requirements.
: the system should not go into alarm when it is crossed by an animal of a
certain size. Keep in mind that high sensitivity can generate false alarms.
The potentiometer adjustment of the delay (see page. 11, 12) affect the crossing
speed. To verify the delay is necessary to experiment crossing at reduced speed.
Remember that setting too high or low could cause false alarms