Operation Mode
Column Transmitter:
After you remove the cover and shield, make connections to the mains power
transformer and tamper circuit.
1. Check the various connections: the power transformer to the circuit, the
battery, the power circuit to circuit and transmitter cavities TX (See pp. 9, 12-
2. Power board, check the LED lights on Mains power adapter and three power
LEDs with V-Test jumper inserted in position 1-2 (see pp. 12-13).
3. Turn OFF the switch which is on cavity TX. (See page 14).
4. Verify that is in position ON one of the four switches of the "channel selector"
tab, TX (same as RX) See page. 9.
5. Insert the jumper in position 2-3 to verify that LEDs output and VCC (see
page 10).
6. Replace the two jumpers in the resting position.
Column Receiver
After you remove the cover and shield, make connections to the mains power
transformer and tamper circuit.
1. Check the various connections: the power transformer to the circuit, the
battery, the power circuit to circuit and transmitter cavities RX (Vedi pagg. 10-
2. Power board, check the LED lights on Mains power adapter and three power
LEDs with V-Test jumper inserted in position 1-2 (Vedi pagg. 12-13).
3. Turn OFF the switch which is on cavity RX.(Vedi Pag.14).
4. Verify that is in position ON one of the four switches of the "channel selector"
tab(same as TX) (Vedi pagg. 10-11).
5. Check the "voltages" on the receiver, turning in ON position the switch N.10
"selector function", and displaying the desired tension (5, 9, 13.8 volts) with
dip No 7-8-9 (See pp. 11-12).