OneSix Server Help
Device List
OneSix™ Server interfaces to a large number of devices. New devices are
continually being created for the Wireless network. Check with your distributor for
the latest.
The following is a list of devices supported by OneSix™ Server:
Point Sensor Temperature
Point Sensor Temp/Humidity
Point Sensor Analog 5V
Point Sensor Analog 10V
Point Sensor Analog 20mA
Point Probe
Point Sensor Pressure
Point Sensor DSCI
Point Sensor IR Counter
Point Sensor Thermistor
Point Sensor Counter Temperature
Point Sensor Fast Counter Temperature
Point Sensor Alarm Temperature
Point Access/Control Reader
Point Directional Counter
Point Dual Discrete Output
Point Analog Output
The polltime has a slightly different meaning for wireless sensors. OneSix does not
actively poll wireless devices. Rather, it waits to receive a packet from the devices.
Therefore, the polltime is how often OneSix expects to receive a packet from the
wireless devices.
The polltime for a wireless device is configurable during device setup. OneSix will
use this time to determine when to mark a device offline. OneSix has a INI file
parameter called "Tries" that sets how long a device has to transmit before it is
considered offline. For example, if the device has a polltime of 1 minute, and
OneSix has "tries" set to 3, then OneSix will consider the device offline if it does not
receive a packet from that device in 3 minutes ("tries" times "polltime").
identifies each device with a unique label name. A client application uses
this label (an OPC topic) to obtain data from the server.