Portable Game Console
PoGa-4DGL Reference Manual
PoGa PmmC
to find the latest PoGa PmmC file if needed. Generally PoGa PmmCs are
installed on the PoGa unless an upgrade is announced on the website.
The GOLDELOX, PICASO and the DIABLO are highly integrated and configurable custom processors. Their
internal architectures are constructed of high level functional blocks that is controlled and supervised by
EVE (Extensible Virtual Engine).
EVE is a proprietary, high performance virtual processor engine with an extensive byte-code instruction set
optimised to execute compiled 4DGL programs. It is the heart of the 4D range of processors. This
implementation across a variety of architectures provides a single unified platform. The same application
code developed under 4DGL for the GOLDELOX can run on any other 4D custom processor such as the
The combined blocks of EVE, the built-in graphics and system functions and the low level drivers make up
and define the personality of the GOLDELOX/PICASO/DIABLO (analogy to that of a soft silicon). This is
referred to as the Personality-module-micro-Code or PmmC for short. Future enhancements to the chip
level configuration or any of the functional blocks can easily be accommodated with a new PmmC file which
can then be uploaded and programmed into the GOLDELOX, PICASO or the DIABLO by the user.
Installing the PmmC
Connect the uUSB-MB5 to the PC and the other end to the PoGa board. On the 4D Workshop3 IDE, Go to
Tools Menu and click PmmC Loader to open up the PmmC Loader software tool.
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