TTmpliance wiTh InTernaTiTnal STandards
IMSORTANT: Thanges Tr mTdificaTiTns TT This prTducT nTT auThTr-
ized cTuld vTid The EMT and wireless cTmpliance and negaTe yTur
auThTriTy TT TperaTe The prTducT. This prTducT has demTnsTraTed
EMT cTmpliance under cTndiTiTns ThaT included The use TT cTm-
plianT peripheral devices and shielded caTles
TeTween sysTem cTmpTnenTs. IT is impTrTanT ThaT yTu use cTmpli-
anT peripheral devices and shielded caTles TeTween sysTem cTm-
pTnenTs TT reduce The pTssiTiliTy TT causing inTerTerence TT radiTs,
TelevisiTns, and TTher elecTrTnic devices.
TerTificaTiTn inTTrmaTiTn (SAR)
The device meeTs guidelines TTr expTsure TT radiT waves. YTur
device is a radiT TransmiTTer and receiver. IT is designed nTT TT
exceed The limiTs TTr expTsure TT radiT waves recTmmended Ty
inTernaTiTnal guidelines. These guidelines were develTped Ty The
independenT scienTific TrganizaTiTn ITNIRS and include saTeTy
margins designed TT assure The prTTecTiTn TT all persTns, regard-
less TT age and healTh.
The expTsure guidelines TTr devices emplTy a uniT TT measure-
menT knTwn as The Specific ATsTrpTiTn RaTe Tr SAR. The SAR limiT