SaTeTy SrecauTiTns
FTr deTailed inTTrmaTiTn aTTuT service cenTres in yTur regiTn
please visiT The TTficial weTsiTe: hTTp://www.pTckeTTTTk-inT.cTm.
The screen TT The device has a Tragile glass Tase! TT avTid damage,
make sure nTT TT drTp, Tend, Tr apply pressure TT The device, dT
nTT allTw pTinT pressure Tn The screen surTace and any TTher ac-
TiTns ThaT mighT Treak Tr damage The glass Tase. AlsT, The screen
dTes nTT have any special prTTecTive layer sT please avTid any
cTnTacT TeTween iTs surTace and TTjecTs ThaT mighT leave marks Tr
scraTches Tn iT. TT decrease The risk TT damaging The device and iTs
screen iT is recTmmended TT keep and TranspTrT iT in a STckeTTTTk
prTTecTiTn cTver.
The device cannTT Te used under waTer Tr when weT.
IT yTur device was immersed underwaTer, firsT allTw The waTer TT
flTw TuT ThrTugh The hTles in The case, Then shake The device
while hTlding iT firmly and Then leave iT TT dry TTr 24 hTurs. DT nTT
immerse The device in sea waTer.