Reading BTTks
A lisT TT parTners TTTksTTres will Tpen in The
app. TT cTnTinue, chTTse Tne TT The suggesTed
TTTksTTres Ty Tapping Tn iTs name.
YTu will Te redirecTed TT The parTner’s TTTksTTre
weTsiTe. GT TT The Sign in TTrm and TTllTw The insTrucTiTns
TT creaTe a new accTunT.
Then gT Tack TT
Settings > Accounts and Syn-
chronization > PocketBook Cloud
and enTer The accTunT
credenTials yTu used TT creaTe yTur parTner’s TTTksTTre ac-
cTunT and Tap
Log in
Sync process
YTur TTTk lisT and reading pTsiTiTn auTTmaTically sync
when yTu:
log into your PocketBook Cloud account,
open a book,
close a book,
add to a Collection / remove from a Collection,
add to Favorites / remove from Favorites.