ADS Mode Recommended Folder Access methods
Method 1
This method involves the use of a logon script, which systems administrator will be
familiar with. (Sample logon script below).
This file is created in notepad and is saved with a .bat extension i.e. logon.bat The
file contains mappings to NAS folders to which the user has access permission. Drive
letters cannot be used more that once, and must not already be in use. Drive letters
shown above are K: R: H: and Q:
The IP address of the NAS must come after the double backslash (obviously the IP
address will depend on your own setup), and finally, add the folder name you wish
to map e.g. company (or whatever folder name you require).
When the file is completed and saved, System Administrators should add this to the
C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\scripts folder. The script name must also be configured
within the user account properties, in the profile tab, by adding the logon script
name (logon.bat) to the Logon Script field.
Now when this user logs on to their system the folders will be mapped in My
Computer / Windows Explorer. This will make folder access simple and convenient.
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