Audio Cables
We include two audio cables with your internal CD-ROM drive SCSI card kit and one
cable with your external drive SCSI card kit. One cable delivered with your internal
drive is MPC compliant, and the other has connectors designed for use with Sound
Blaster sound cards. The cable delivered with your external drive has two RCA-type
color-coded connectors at one end, which connect to your drive, and a single stereo
mini-jack at the other end, which plugs into the line-in receptacle on your soundboard
(at the back of your computer).
If you purchased an internal drive SCSI card kit and you have a sound card other than
Sound Blaster that is not MPC compliant, you will have to purchase a different audio
cable from a computer supply store. We can help by recommending several vendors
(see listing, p. 44) who offer audio cables and can get them to you quickly at a
reasonable price. Call our Technical Support Department directly at 800-886-3935.
Please see next page for diagrams illustrating the cable connections.
cross ref
CHAPTER 8 ---- Hardware Installation
5.75" x 8.25" PLEX WRITER MANUAL
Plextor Manual,
Carla Williams