Loading the Caddy into the Drive
1. Open the drive’s door.
2. Carefully insert the caddy in
the direction shown, with
the arrow mark facing the drive.
3. Push the caddy into the drive
until the caddy load mechanism
is engaged.
You need use only one hand to insert the caddy into the drive. This is
easily accomplished by placing the front portion of the caddy on top of
the lip of the drive’s door. You can press down lightly to open the drive’s
door, then slide the caddy into the drive.
Removing the Caddy from the Drive
1) Push the Eject button. The caddy will eject from the drive in 2--3 seconds.
2) Pull the caddy straight out of the drive.
3) If the caddy will not eject from the drive after pushing the Eject button, you
should be able to remove the caddy from the drive by using the Emergency
Eject button. Turn off power to the drive. Insert a paper clip into the
Emergency Eject hole. The caddy should now eject from the drive. Please
contact Plextor’s Technical Support Department before attempting to rein-
sert the caddy into the drive.
Tray Loading and Operating
1) While the drive is powered up, push the eject button. The tray drawer will
slide out in 2--3 seconds.
CHAPTER 10 ---- Using CD-ROM Discs and Caddies
Arrow Mark
2) Lay the bare CD (do not use a caddy) into the depression in the tray,
label side up. If the drive is mounted in the horizontal
position and the CD lays flat in the drive, you do
not need to use the clips in the tray. If the drive
is mounted in the vertical position (on
its side with the tray perpendicular
to the ground), the clips should be
gently pushed into place over
the CD so that it does not fall
out of the tray.