Incorrect DOS Version
Possible Causes and Solutions
Conflict Between MS-DOS 5.0 and Microsoft’s CD-ROM Extensions Version 2.2 (or
MS-DOS 5.0 users should use Microsoft’s CD-ROM Extensions (file name
MSCDEX.EXE) Version 2.21 or 2.22. If you do not have either of these versions, and
plan to use DOS 5.0 with MSCDEX.EXE Ver 2.2 (or lower), you can resolve this conflict
by doing the following:
1) Type the following line into your CONFIG.SYS file:
2) Switch to the DOS prompt.
3) Type the following: SETVER MSCDEX.EXE 4.01, then press the enter key.
4) Reboot your computer.
Conflict Between MS-DOS 6.0 and Microsoft’s CD-ROM Extensions (file name:
MSCDEX.EXE) Version 2.21 (or Lower)
MSCDEX.EXE ver. 2.22 (or higher) must be used with DOS 6.0. Use of an earlier
version will result in an INCORRECT DOS VERSION message. A copy of
MSCDEX.EXE ver. 2.22 is included with DOS 6.0. You can find this file in your
C:\DOS directory.
If you previously had loaded MSCDEX.EXE ver. 2.21 (or lower), your computer might
still be recognizing this lower version rather than 2.22 (or higher).
To correct this problem, you must edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file using a text editor
or word processor. Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file will probably contain a line that looks
something like this:
In this example, ‘‘C:\TSCI’’ is the path to MSCDEX.EXE. The path name will vary
depending on the type of SCSI device driver software you use.
Change only the path of this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it finds the
updated MSCDEX.EXE file in your DOS directory. This line should be edited to read:
Save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot your computer.
CHAPTER 12 ---- Troubleshooting