n etwo rk from di rect at tack b y hackers , and prov id es mo re flexi bl e
m an agement by al lowing yo u to chan ge i nternal net work IP address es
without affecting outside access to your network.
User-Definable Application Sensing Tunnel
You may define special applications that require multiple connections such
as Internet gaming, video conferencing, and Internet telephony. The BLW-
04EX will then sense the application type and open a multi-port tunnel for
DMZ Hosts Support
Al lows a networked com puter t o be full y expos ed t o the Int ernet. This
functi on is u sed when th e special appli cati on sensing t unnel feat ure is
insufficient to allow an application to function correctly.
Th e BLW-04EX supports s ecurity feat ures t hat deny Int ernet access t o
s pecified users, or drop requests for specific services. The B LW- 0 4 E X ’s
firewal l also blocks common hacker att acks, i ncluding IP Spoofi ng, Land
At tack, Pin g of Deat h, IP with zero l en gth , Sm urf Att ack, UDP port
loopback, Snork Attack, TCP null scan, and TCP SYN flooding.
Parental controls allows the user to limit certain web sites
Email alerts when the users network is being compromise
Easy setup through a web browser on any operating system that supports
Compatible with all popular Internet applications
Many advanced applications are provided by the BLW-04EX, such as:
LAN Access
The BLW-04EX provides connectivity to 10/100 Mbps devices, making it
easy to create a network in small offices or homes.
Internet Access
This devi ce s upports Internet access through a DSL or cabl e connect ion.
Since many DSL providers us e PPPoE to est abli sh communicat ions wi th
end users, t he BLW-04EX incl udes a buil t-i n cl ient fo r t his proto col ,
eliminating the need to install this service on your computer.
Shared IP Address
The BLW-04EX shares a single IP address with up to 253 users. Using only
one ISP account, multiple users on your network can simultaneously browse
the Internet.
Virtual Server
If you have a static IP address, you can set up the BLW-04EX to act as a
virtual host for network address t ranslat ion. Rem ote users acces s various
services at your site using the static IP address. Then, depending on the
requested service (or port number), the BLW-04EX routes the request to the
appropriat e server (at an int ernal network IP address). This secures your