5. Choose “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” in the Network Protocols. Click the
“OK” button to return to the Network window.
6. The TCP/IP protocol will be listed in the Network window. Click “OK”
to complete the install procedure.
5. Select “Micro soft” in the manufacturers lis t. Select “TCP/ IP” in the
Network Protocols list. Click the “OK” button to return to the Network
6. The TCP/IP protocol will be listed in the Network window. Click “OK”
to complete the installation procedure and restart your PC to enable the
TCP/IP protocols. The operating system may prompt you to restart your
system. Click “Yes” and the computer will shut down and restart
Windows 2000
1. Cl ick th e “St art ” but ton and choos e “Sett ings ,” then cl ick “Cont rol
2. Double click the “Network and Dial-up Connections” icon, then “Local
Area C on necti on ” icon , and press th e “Prop erti es” bu tt on in t he
“General” tab.
3. Click the “install...” button to add the network component to your PC.
4. Double click on “Protocol” to add the TCP/IP protocol.