Public IP Address
The IP address of the WAN port or any other Public IP
addresses given to you by your ISP. The WAN port may use
dynamic IP or static IP given by your ISP. If your ISP gives you
more than one dynamic IP addresses, you have to assign the
session number that you want to apply.
Client PC IP Address
Input the IP address of a particular host in your LAN that will
receive all the packets originally going to the WAN port/Public IP
address above.
You need to give your LAN PC clients a fixed/static IP
address for DMZ to work properly.
Fill in the "WAN Port", "Public IP Address
Client IP
of the DMZ to be added and then click "Add". Then this
DMZ entry will be added into the "DMZ Table" below. If you find
any typo before adding it and want to retype again, just click
"Reset" and the fields will be cleared.
Remove DMZ
If you want to remove some DMZ from the "DMZ Table", select
the DMZ entries you want to remove in the table and then click
"Delete Selected". If you want remove all DMZ entries from the
table, just click "Delete All" button. Click "Reset" will clear your
current selections.
After press
Apply and Reboot
to apply the configuration and reboot the XRT-D router, you can
now configure other advance sections or start using the router (with the advance settings in