Appendix A
Voice Communications
The chapter shows you the concept and command to help you configure your smart Wi-Fi Phone
through sample configuration. And provide instruction to make calls to desired destination in Wi-Fi
Phone. In this section, we’ll lead you step by step to establish your first voice communication via
keypad operations.
Peer To Peer (P2P) mode
Figure 189. Topology of instruction example - P2P mode
Step 1:
Assuming there are two VIP-191 in the network the IP address are and
Step 2:
Press the Dial Key of VIP-191_A.
Step 3:
Enter the IP address of VIP-191_B (as shown below). Enter the ‘.’ in the IP address, press the
‘*’ Key twice.
Figure 190. Making a call - Entry the IP address
Step 4:
Press the Right Key (“Dial”) to dial out, and the status of the screen will be shown as “Ringing”,
as shown in the following diagram: