Enable/Disable the URL filter function, default setting is Disable
Enable/Disable Block URL to the client IP, default setting is Disable
Client IP
This is the client IP is LAN address.
URL Filter String
This is the filter URL.
Security (For AP / AP & AP-Client mode)
Intrusion Detection has powerful management and analysis tools that let your IT administrator see
what's going on in your network. Such as who's surfing the Web, and gives you the tools to block
access to inappropriate Web sites. Malicious code (also called vandals) is a new breed of Internet
threat that cannot be efficiently controlled by conventional antivirus software alone. In contrast to
viruses that require a user to execute a program in order to cause damage, vandals are
auto-executable applications.
Intrusion Detection
Enable / Disable the network / Internet security protection.
Drop Malicious Packet
Enable / Disable, Detect and drop malicious application layer traffic.