2 Mega-Pixel Wireless Fish-Eye IP Camera
When Triggered …
Upload Images:
Upload captured image to event server once event is triggered.
Activate Output Port:
Activate the external alarm once event is triggered.
Send Email Notification:
Send notification through SMTP server once event is triggered.
Send Message Notification(TCP):
Send notification through TCP server once event is triggered.
3.7 Schedule Configuration
This menu is used to specify the schedule of Events and activate some actions provided by this
3.7.1 General Setting
The page defines the day (specified by days of a week) and time (specified by each single hour)
that will be recorded during the scheduled period.
Note that only video data will be recorded. User can select which video stream should be recorded,
and the size of each sliced file. When the check box is ticked and setting is saved, recording
process starts. Recording files are saved to the Micro SD storage.
Enable or disable this schedule record.
Select one of the stream profiles for video recorded.
Slice File Size
Define the sliced file size for each recording files.