Turn safe seal on/off
Allows you to turn safe seal on or off. If you are experiencing problems with
envelope flaps not sticking down, try turning this option on.
Safe seal slows the machine slightly, allowing more time for moisture to transfer
to the envelope flap. Some gums require this added time to break down properly
and become sticky. This function therefore improves sealing of certain envelopes.
Menu/Enter repeatedly until the
display shows the safe seal status:
yes (
) to change the safe seal status. The screen will confirm the change.
no (
) to exit the menu options.
Safe Seal is
Safe Seal is
Safe Seal is
Safe Seal is
Safe Seal is
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
The Menu
Insert DD is
Insert DD is
Insert DD is
Insert DD is
Insert DD is
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
On. Change?
Insert double detect on/off
Allows you to turn the insert feeder double detection (Insert DD) on or off.
When turned on…
The machine stops if it senses a double feed (two inserts feeding when only one
should). If you’re running individually addressed inserts, it’s best to turn double
detect on. The double detect feature is automatically calibrated for the inserts as
you run a trial piece.
When turned off…
The machine ignores any double feeds that may occur. You may choose to turn
double detect off if you’re running a mail shot and it’s of little concern if one
recipient receives duplicate inserts.
Menu/Enter repeatedly until the
display shows the Insert DD status:
yes (
) to change the insert double detect status. The screen will confirm
the change.
no (
) to go to the next menu option leaving this setting unchanged.