Loading the Envelope Feeder (Feeder B)
A note about envelopes:
The DI200 needs to use DL Mailing envelopes (also known as ‘machineable’
envelopes). For full details, see ‘Specifications’ on page 39. Suitable envelopes
may be ordered from Pitney Bowes (see page 38 for more details).
The feeder can hold up to 60 envelopes.
Tap the envelope stack onto a firm surface
to align the edges.
Load envelopes right way up and facing
you. This means that the envelope flap is
on the back of the envelope and at the top.
Any other orientation will prevent the
machine inserting properly.
Place the envelope stack into Feeder B
with the back envelope flat against the feed
belts. There’s no need to ‘shingle’ or
stagger the envelope stack.
Slide the two side guides up to the
envelope stack then
slightly back them off.
The correct setting is when the guides
control the envelopes but in no way restrict
their feed into the machine.
Use the blue handles at the rear of the
guides when moving them.