1.3 Chapter Highlights
This manual is divided into chapters providing the following information:
Chapter One — Introduction
This chapter describes the scope
Pioneer CLD-V5000 Level III User’s
features of the player, and explains how information is organized.
Chapter Two— Operational Basics
This chapter gives an overview of the player’s internal operating processes,
Operating Modes
Active States
, and describes the player’s RS-232C serial
interface and the RS-232C port. There is also a section describing the player’s
Function Switches.
Chapter Three — External Computer Control — Level III
This chapter explains how commands are sent to the CLD-V5000 from an
external computer to control playback of LDs or CDs. It also describes error
messages that may be returned, the default settings, a basic list of Level III
commands and descriptions of each command.
Commands are described by categories: Player Control Commands, Player
Control Switch Commands, Display Control Commands, Request Commands,
Communication Control Commands, Register Control Commands, and Input
Device Commands.
For additional information see the attached Appendices:
Appendix A
Level III commands on the CLD-V5000
Appendix B
CLD-V5000 Interface Cable Specifications
Appendix C
CLD-V5000 Internal Player Controls
Appendix D
CLD-V5000 Internal Player Registers
Appendix E
Additional Notes
Appendix F
Additional Notes
Further questions should be referred to:
Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc.
Technical Support
2265 East 220th Street
Long Beach, CA 90810 USA
Phone: 310-952-2111
FAX: 310-952-3031
CLD-V5000 Level III User’s Manual
TP 121
v. 1.0 • 1/96
CLD-V5000 Level III • Chapter One