UPS PIco HV3.0A Firmware Code 040 Print Date 18.08.2017
Designed and Manufactured by PiModules and ModMyPi
Bootloader Feature
keep the system up to date
UPS PIco HV3.0 A
HAT is a very flexible hardware platform that offers a wide range of
features. Most of them are software programable. Therefore, during the time, new
versions with additional features are released. It is mandatory for the user, to have
the ability to upload the newest firmware version whenever it is released, to keep the
UPS PIco HV3.0 A
HAT up to date. The firmware upload to the
PIco HV3.0 A
HAT is
done by running a small piece of software located in dedicated memory part in the
micro controller called boot sector. This memory part is protected from any erase, so
even if uploading of the new firmware procedure fails, this bootloader will never fail.
The execution (the invoking) of the bootloader can be done from a software level by
running of some dedicated commands, or manually by pressing of dedicated key
sequence. The bootloader is equipped with additional protection mechanism called
watch-dog, and if within 32 seconds from invoking of it system not start uploading the
new firmware,
UPS PIco HV3.0 A
HAT will be reset, and start execution of the old
already existing firmware. The bootloader functionality ensures that the
HV3.0 A
HAT is up-to-date, and allows users to report various changes that can be
implemented on the user’s side. It is extremely useful functionality, and ensures that
the product has longevity.
As the bootloader uses the Raspberry Pi® Serial Port (RS232), it is mandatory to have
it free on the Raspberry Pi® (without any hardw
are occupying it). It is also important
that you ensure that there is no software using it. As well if minicom has been used,
please restart the Raspberry Pi, as minicom keeps the RS232 interface occupied.
When doing the firmware upload, it is also mandatory to have the system cable
powered (there is no UPS protection provided during that time) as also have stopped
the Daemons to avoid any undefined conditions with used GPIOs.