PSEN op3.1/3.2
Operating Manual PSEN op3.1/3.2
Validity of documentation
This documentation is valid for the product PSEN op3.1/3.2. It is valid until new documenta-
tion is published.
This documentation explains the function and operation of an accessory for a safety light
grid. When using the product, please refer to the operating manual for the safety light grid.
Warranty and liability
All claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if
The product was used contrary to the purpose for which it is intended
Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in the manual
Operating personnel are not suitably qualified
Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging components on the PCB
boards, soldering work etc.).
Using the documentation
This document is intended for instruction. Only install and commission the product if you
have read and understood this document. The document should be retained for future ref-
Definition of symbols
Information that is particularly important is identified as follows:
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that poses
an immediate threat of serious injury and death and indicates preventive
measures that can be taken.
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that could
lead to serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can
be taken.
This refers to a hazard that can lead to a less serious or minor injury plus
material damage, and also provides information on preventive measures
that can be taken.