Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernt Götz • Telefon 03641/66880 • Fax 03641/668866 •
7.2.2 back panel
7.3 introduction
The amplifiers NV40/3 and NV40/3CLE are designed for parallel control of up to three low
voltage piezo actuators with and without internal feed back sensor system. NV120/1 and
NV120/1CLE are designed for control of one low voltage piezo actuators with higher output
current. The amplifiers come as a stand alone device with standard PC interface RS232 and
USB. A dimmable graphic display constantly shows all status information such as voltage
and motion. Each piezo can be controlled separately by turning the voltage offset, by
applying an analog voltage signal of 0 to 10V or by PC interface. The voltage of the monitor
output correspondents to either applied piezo voltage (NV40/3, NV120/1) or completed
motion (NV40/3CLE, NV120/1CLE).
The NV40/3 and NV120/1 are designed for controlling only open loop actuating systems
without any feedback sensor inside. The NV40/3CLE and NV120/1CLE are designed for
piezo actuating system with strain gauge or capacitive feed back sensors inside. In this case,
the sensor signal is prepared by an external pre-amplifier inside the cable. The Automatic
Sensor Identification “ASI” enables the customer to use the amplifier NV40/3CLE or
NV120/1CLE with different piezo actuators of the same product series. This enables the
controller unit to read all system information from the actuating systems which are stored
inside the connector and transmit this information to the amplifier unit.
The chart 7.3.1 shows the block diagram of the NV120/1CLE. With exception of the display
and the processor, the circuit is triplicate for the NV40/3CLE series. The series NV40/3 and
don’t have a PID-Controller, an ADC for measurement signals and the switch for
the monitor signal.
switch ON/OFF
for actuators
Main supply
Connector for
modulation (MOD) and
monitor (MON)