Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernt Götz • Telefon 03641/66880 • Fax 03641/668866 •
– n * trgsi
trgse (end point)
trgse (end point)
trigger at trgss + n * trgsi (n = 2)
trigger at trgss + n * trgsi (n = 1)
start point (trgss)
The recognition of edges works as follows:
During the rising edge, the highest measurement value (position) will be stored. If there is a
decrease in the measurement value of more than 0.2% (of total stroke) under the stored value, a
falling edge will be recognized. During the falling edge, the lowest measurement value (position)
will be stored.
If there is an increase in the measurement value of more than 0.2% (of total stroke) over the stored
value, a rising edge will be recognized.
This principle depends on whether or not trgss and trgse are bordered by a working area that
crosses at least 0.2% (of total stroke) out of the borders.
lower trigger position
this is the lowest value where a trigger signal is
unit µm or mrad
upper trigger position
this is the highest value where a trigger signal is
unit µm or mrad
trigger interval
this is the distance between the trigger points
unit µm or mrad
trigger edge
this value depends on which direction the trigger
point must be reached for trigger generation
0: trigger disabled
1: trigger at rising edge
2: trigger at falling edge
3: trigger at both edges
trigger length
this values depends on the duration of a trigger
(n * 20µs n = 1
table 10: commands for trigger generation