Set the command signal to 0.0 Volts either on the analog interface or the digital
Connect the 9 pin D-type connector to the PIEZOCONCEPT's controller, secure
the two screws.
Turn the power switch on.
The command voltage now controls the position of the nanopositioning stage.
Never disconnect the 9-Pin connector with the power on. Always set the command
voltage to zero and turn the power off before disconnecting. Allow 1 minute for the PZT
actuators to discharge before disconnecting. For more information see the
4.2 Care during operation
The HS1 is a high precision scientific instrument and should be handled with care during
operation. Failure to do so may result in permanent damage.
During operation ensure that there are no physical constraints on the moving stage or
anything fixtured to the moving stage.
Never apply a voltage greater than 150V or less than -5V to the PZT.
Maintain a clean working environment to reduce the chance of particles or other
substances from gathering in the EDM grooves.