PicoLog Self-Help Guide
© Copyright 2014 Pico Technology Ltd.
When plugged in, the logger should show up in the Device Manager window again either
under a Pico Technology Instruments sub-item or the Universal Serial Bus controllers as
shown below:
Figure 1 - Windows Device Manager showing PicoLog 1000 and USB TC-08 Data Loggers
If the drivers have installed correctly, your PicoLog software should now work. You
should not need to reboot the PC.
If PicoLog still does not recognise your logger, you may have installed it incorrectly or for
the wrong device. Please rerun your PicoLog installation file, and select Remove when
you are asked to select Repair, Modify or Remove. After removal, rerun the installer to
install a fresh copy and when asked For which device do you wish to install, select the
primary device which you use with PicoLog. Also, for maximum compatibility, tick the
small box for Install for other devices. This will load all the other drivers for all other Pico
loggers and allow you to select them if you need to use them with PicoLog at a later
date. That should sort things out.
If there is still a problem with the settings of your PC that is preventing PicoLog from
being installed, you will need to send an installation log file to enable us to work out the
problem. Here is how to generate an Install.log file:-
Create a C:\Temp directory and copy the PicoLog_R5_23_0.exe download file into
it (or the latest version available). Make sure the logger is not plugged into the
PC. Now click the Windows Start button, select Run and in the command-line box
copy and paste the following:-
C:\Temp\PicoLog_R5_23_0.exe /v"/L Install.log"