PicoLog Self-Help Guide
© Copyright 2014 Pico Technology Ltd.
Here is an example file:-
(This will allow sample rates down to 100 ms, for example.)
By default this is at 1000 ms, but you can change this to a lower value.
Save and exit, and next time you go into PicoLog recorder this will become active.
This is covered in the PicoLog User’s Guide on page 105 under QuicksampleMs (see
Related Documents). Also take note of frequency ranges. When you set up the channel
used for frequency, there is a section called Scan time. By changing the scan time you
can adjust the frequency range that you wish to measure. The scan time needs to be
three times the period of the frequency you want to measure.
Device-specific information
Device-specific – TC-08
Serial TC-08
To use the Serial TC-08 on a USB port you will need a USB to serial adapter, either ours
or another manufacturer's. That needs to be installed first, using the supplied software
driver, usually on a small CD. Once installed and working, you then need to go to
Windows Device Manager and look under Ports (COM and LPT) where there will be an
entry for a Serial on USB port with a COM port number in brackets next to it. (If the
COM port is greater than 4, force it into the range 1 to 4 by manually selecting the COM
port number.) Go to Windows Device Manager and select the hardware serial port you
wish to use. Right-click it and select Properties. Select Port Settings and then Advanced.
There will be a selection box for COM Port Number. Select a number less than 5 and click
OK. Windows might give a warning but ignore that. Use this new port number when
setting up the TC-08. The above instructions are for Windows XP but similar will apply
for other versions of the Windows operating system.
Plug your TC-08 into the USB adapter and run PicoLog. When asked for the COM port to
use, enter the COM port allocated in Device Manager. If you use a different USB port
next time, please be aware that the COM port number may change. If you restart a PC
with the USB to serial converter and TC-08 already connected, Windows will frequently
assume that a mouse is connected. This can happen with any device connected through
a USB converter.
Please try this: Unplug both devices from the PC and each other. Plug in the USB
converter, check it is recognised and to which COM port it is allocated. Finally, plug in
the TC-08. Use the COM port number found earlier to set up the TC-08 under PicoLog.