PicoLog Self-Help Guide
© Copyright 2014 Pico Technology Ltd.
PicoLog frequency measurement
You can use PicoLog with the PicoLog 1000 Series (and certain oscilloscopes, see below)
to measure AC volts, dB and frequency, presenting the values as a graph (Real time
Continuous mode only). Our other data loggers are too slow to be useful for frequency
First, go to File > New Settings and select Real Time Continuous, then click OK.
Select a sampling time of 1 second to take a reading once per second.
Select the total number of samples or the total time of recording and click OK.
Select PicoLog 1012/1216 and click OK.
In PicoLog1216 measurements, click Add.
In Edit PicoLog1216 Measurement, enter a name for the channel.
Select Channel 1.
For Measurement, select Frequency.
Set the scan time to 100 000 µs, which will give you a frequency range of 20 Hz to
11.626 kHz.
Using Options and then Scaling you can get PicoLog to display in RPM, not frequency
(click Help for instructions).
Back in Edit PicoLog1216 Measurement, click OK.
Back in PicoLog1216 measurements, click OK.
Channel 1 should now be reading in Hz (or RPM if set).
To get frequency measurements for PicoLog at less than 1 second intervals (say 100 ms)
you need to modify your plw.ini file. This will be located in the following directory for
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_LOGIN\Local Settings\Application Data\Pico
where USER_LOGIN is your user account. (You will need to enable viewing of "Hidden
The equivalent folder in Windows Vista/7/8 is:-
C:\Users\<Your user name>\AppData\Local\Pico Technology42f31349-afb8-
Open plw.ini in Notepad or a similar text editor and add the following line:-
under the section labelled:-