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Simple Set-Up
. Remove Top and Filter from 200 Max or 200 HT.
2. Attach Solution mounting bracket to LGR.
3. Set the Solution into the top of the LGR and slide into the mounting bracket captures.
4. Place Filter and Top on the Solution.
5. Find the coolest air source from outside, the unaffected area or air conditioning.
6. Duct as shown in drawing.
7. Plug units in and turn “On/Thermostat”. The Phoenix Solution will boost the performance of your LGR dehumidifier in
nearly every condition, and will dramatically widen the temperature range for significant water removal.
The Solution is a specially designed intercooling head that provides pre-cooling to the dehumidifier’s incoming air stream.
Just like the pre-cooling feature is the key to the performance leap of LGR dehumidifiers, the Solution can actually double
the water removal rate of your LGR in some conditions.
The enhanced efficiency achieved with the Solution practically matches the .6 amps required to operate the unit, resulting
in a minimal overall power increase.
The primary air stream inlet on top must be at least foot from walls and other obstructions to air flow. The secondary air
stream on the front and side must be ducted from and to an area other than the area being dried. Care should be taken to
separate the secondary air source connection points to avoid recirculation through the Solution.
8 Installation