www.usephoenix.com • [email protected]
Toll-Free 1-800-533-7533
1 Intended Application
The Solution is a specially designed intercooling head that
provides pre-cooling to the dehumidifier’s incoming air
stream. Just like the pre-cooling feature is the key to the
performance leap of LGR dehumidifiers, the Solution can
actually double the water removal rate of your LGR in some
The enhanced efficiency achieved with the Solution
practically matches the .6 amps required to operate the
unit, resulting in a minimal overall power increase.
2 Specifications
Phoenix Solution (P/N 4026600)
0-20 Vac, .6 Amps, grounded
Operating CFM & Temperature Range:
Primary air stream 300 CFM & 33°F min., 25°F max.
Secondary air stream 230 CFM & 5°F min., 25°F max.
Duct Connections:
4” x 0” rectangular exhaust
8” round intake
9” high x 9-/2” wide x 9-/2” deep
40 lbs
3 Operation
3.1 Transporting
The Phoenix Solution is designed to be carried by the
recessed handles built into the front and rear of the unit.
Multiple Solutions may be stacked for transport on a
suitable cart. Transporting the Phoenix Solution as it is
attached to a dehumidifier is NOT RECOMMENDED.
3.2 Installation
The top of the Phoenix Solution is designed to accept the
filter and top cover from the Phoenix 200 MAX or Phoenix
200 HT that it is mounted on. The Phoenix Solution is
designed to engage the spring clips found on the Phoenix
200 MAX and 200 HT dehumidifiers. An additional bracket
with engaging tabs ( included) must be installed on the
dehumidifier to secure the front of the Phoenix Solution
Read the operation and maintenance instructions
carefully before using this unit. Proper adherence to
these instructions is essential to obtain maximum
benefit from your Phoenix Solution performance
• It is designed to be used
• If used in a wet area, plug it into a
use the Phoenix Solution as a bench or table.
• It must always be used in the upright position.
• The included bracket with engaging tabs must be
installed correctly on the dehumidifier that the
Phoenix Solution is attached to.
• The Phoenix Solution must be removed from the
dehumidifier for transport to and from the job site.
• Automatically operated device.
• Risk of electric shock.
• Can cause injury or death: disconnect all remote
electric power supplies before servicing.
Table of Contents
1. Intended Application
2. Specifications
3. Set Up
3. Transporting ...................................................2
3.2 Installation .....................................................2
3.3 Ducting ..........................................................3
3.4 Condensate Removal ......................................3
3.5 Electrical Requirements ...................................4
3.6 Control Switch ................................................4
4. Maintenance
5. Service
5. Technical Description ......................................4
5.2 Troubleshooting ..............................................4
5.3 Blower Replacement .......................................4
5.4 Thermostat & Switch Replacement ...................4
6. Options & Accessories
7. Wiring Diagram
8. Installation Diagram
9. Service Parts .................................................................... 7
10. Warranty