W-IE-NE-R Plein & Baus GmbH 14 www.wiener-d.com
Sometimes if allocation of severe system problems is needed the or a MTCA crate may simply run
without a hub for tests the W-I
-R Mode can be activated by simply plugging the Run Mode
Button within the USB Settings Block. The internal system reboots which needs some time and
the USB run LED gets green after some seconds. Sometimes it does restart then in the original
mode - then please retry once more.
Please be aware that the implemented mode resides permanent even after a power down of mains.
A switch back is possible only with this software and can not be invoked via a MCH system call
(there is a further way to invoke W-I
-R Mode temporarily without LabView, see §5.4.2).
In W-I
-R Mode the front panel is presented with much more detail, see. Fig. 2.
At start-up all 12 AMC card channels and the 2 MCH and 2 CU channels are all starting with the
maximum current setting of 8 Amps. Again tooltips show for additional hints.
If there is no problem for the attached hardware in the crate feel free to play around with the
channels parameters: It is possible e.g. to switch on and off every channel individually whether
Payload or Management Power at any time or change the current limits in fine steps of 100 mA.
Figure 2: The MTCA.4 Monitoring Software in W-IE-NE-R Mode