Copyright © 2003 by Phoenix Digital Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
In Trap Mode, Phoenix Digital’s fiber optic modules will continue to detect, isolate, and cor-
rect communication failures, just as in Auto-Recovery Mode. But when the source of the
failure is corrected or randomly disappears (as commonly occurs with intermittent failures), the Trap
Mode fiber modules will NOT automatically restore the network to its original configuration. In-
stead, the network will remain trapped in the failed condition until the source of the failure is cor-
rected, and the fiber modules that trapped the failure are reset. Thus, intermittent failures will be
continuously trapped by the fiber optic modules, providing maintenamce personnel with the oppor-
tunity to locate and correct the source of the network failure.
When Trap Mode is selected all fiber optic modules on the network must be initialized in the
following manner:
Install and interconnect all fiber optic modules on the network with fiber optic
cable, in the appropriate network configuration. (Note that if the fiber modules
on the network are not properly interconnected with fiber optic cable, the Trap Mode
fiber modules may assume that the improper connection is an intermittent failure and
trap the failure accordingly.)
Apply power to all of the fiber optic modules on the network. (At this point
fiber modules configured for Trap Mode operation may indicate a failed condition on
both channels... Ch A ERR, Ch B ERR.)
Reset each Trap Mode fiber optic module on the network by either toggling the
appropriate bit in the Write Control Byte ON (Enable) and then OFF (Disable)
(1771 OCM and 1746 OLC plug-in fiber optic modules only), or by depressing
the TM (Trap Mode) pushbutton on the front of each Trap Mode fiber optic
module (all modules). This will switch the fiber optic module into an active, on-
line, error free mode of operation, until such time as an intermittent failure
occurs and the fiber module traps the failure. (See Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 for fiber
optic module TM Pushbutton designations.)
Trap Mode fiber optic modules may be subsequently reset (after trapping an
intermittent failure) by either toggling the Trap Mode Reset bit (1771 OCM and
1746 OLC plug-in fiber optic modules only), or by depressing the TM Pushbutton
(all modules).