Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
all menu items fit on the screen, move the “CURSOR UP/
DOWN” key to display the next/previous menu items.
With the “CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT” keys (or the scroll
wheel), it is possible to:
(De) activate the selected menu item.
(De) activate the selected sub menu.
With the “OK” key, it is possible to activate the selected
How to Exit SAM
Use one of the following methods:
Switch the set to STAND-BY via the RC-transmitter.
Via a standard RC-transmitter, key in “00” sequence, or
select the “BACK” key.
Customer Service Mode (CSM)
When a customer is having problems with his TV-set, he can
call his dealer or the Customer Helpdesk. The service
technician can then ask the customer to activate the CSM, in
order to identify the status of the set. Now, the service
technician can judge the severity of the complaint. In many
cases, he can advise the customer how to solve the problem,
or he can decide if it is necessary to visit the customer.
The CSM is a read only mode; therefore, modifications in this
mode are not possible.
When CSM is activated, the layer 1 error is displayed via
blinking LED. Only the latest error is displayed. (see also
When CSM is activated and there is a USB stick connected to
the TV, the software will dump the complete CSM content to the
USB stick. The file (Csm.txt) will be saved in the root of the USB
stick. This information can be handy if no information is
Only for Q548.1:
When in the Q548.1 chassis CSM is activated, a test pattern
will be displayed during 5 s.: 1 s. blue, 1 s. green, and 1 s. red,
then again 1 s. blue and 1 s. green. This test pattern is
generated by the PNX5120.
So if this test pattern is shown, it could be determined that the
back end video chain (PNX5120, LVDS, and display) of the
SSB is working.
For LED backlight TV sets, the test pattern is build as follows:
1 s. blue, 1 s. green, 1 s. red (generated by the PNX5120) and
further on with 3 seconds RGB pattern from the LED Dimming
How to Activate CSM
Key in the code “123654” via the standard RC transmitter.
: Activation of the CSM is only possible if there is no (user)
menu on the screen!
How to Navigate
By means of the “CURSOR-DOWN/UP” knob (or the scroll
wheel) on the RC-transmitter, can be navigated through the
Contents of CSM
The contents are displayed on three pages: General, Software
versions, and Quality items. However, these group names itself
are not shown anywhere in the CSM menu.
Set Type.
This information is very helpful for a helpdesk/
workshop as reference for further diagnosis. In this way, it
is not necessary for the customer to look at the rear of the
TV-set. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after
corruption, this set type has to be re-written to NVM.
ComPair will foresee in a possibility to do this.
Production Code.
Displays the production code (the serial
number) of the TV. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is
initialized after corruption, this production code has to be
re-written to NVM. ComPair will foresee a in possibility to
do this.
Installed date.
Indicates the date of the first installation of
the TV. This date is acquired via time extraction.
Options 1.
Gives the option codes of option group 1 as set
in SAM (Service Alignment Mode).
Options 2.
Gives the option codes of option group 2 as set
in SAM (Service Alignment Mode).
Gives an identification of the SSB as stored in
NVM. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after
corruption, this identification number has to be re-written to
NVM. ComPair will foresee in a possibility to do this. This
identification number is the 12nc number of the SSB.
Remark: the content here can also be a part of the 12NC of
the SSB in combination with the serial number.
12NC display.
Shows the 12NC of the display
12NC supply.
Shows the 12NC of the supply.
12NC “fan board”.
Shows the 12NC of the “fan board”-
module (for sets with LED backlight).
12NC “LED Dimming Panel”.
Shows the 12NC of the
LED dimming Panel (for sets with LED backlight).
Software versions
Current main SW.
Displays the built-in main software
version. In case of field problems related to software,
software can be upgraded. As this software is consumer
upgradeable, it will also be published on the Internet.
Example: Q5431E_1.2.3.4.
Stand-by SW.
Displays the built-in stand-by processor
software version. Upgrading this software will be possible
via ComPair or via USB (see section
Example: STDBY_1.2.3.4.
MOP ambient light SW.
Displays the MOP ambient light
MPEG4 software.
Displays the MPEG4 software (for sets
with MPEG4).
PNX5120 boot NVM.
Displays the SW-version that is used
in the PNX5120 boot NVM (for sets with PNX5120).
LED Dimming SW.
Displays the LED dimming EPLD SW
(for sets with LED backlight).
Quality items
Signal quality.
Child lock.
Not active/active. This is a combined item for
locks. If any lock (Preset lock, child lock, lock after or
parental lock) is active, the item shall show “active”.
Indicates of the HDMI keys (or HDCP
keys) are valid or not. In case these keys are not valid and
the consumer wants to make use of the HDMI functionality,
the SSB has to be replaced.
Ethernet MAC address.
Not applicable.
Wireless MAC address.
Not applicable.
BDS key.
Indicates if the “BDS level 1” key is valid or not.
CI slot present.
If the common interface module is
detected the result will be “YES”, else “NO”.
HDMI input format.
The detected input format of the
HDMI audio input stream.
The HDMI audio input stream
is displayed: present / not present.
HDMI video input stream.
The HDMI video input stream
is displayed: present / not present.
How to Exit CSM
Press the “MENU” (or HOME) button twice on the RC-