User Manual
Philips MultiOne
© Philips Lighting B.V. 2014
Page 39 / 81
When selecting a custom schedule, you have to enter a number of parameters that
will define the CLO schedule. These are:
Maximum number of burning hours
: the largest number of burning hours
for which the CLO schedule is defined. This corresponds to the maximum value
of the horizontal axis in the resulting CLO graph.
Number of scenes
: the number of scenes (bars in the graph) into which the
total number of burning hours is divided
Initial dimlevel
: the power level that is the starting point at 0 burning hours
Final dimlevel
: the power level at the end of the defined lifetime (the value
given for maximum number of burning hours)
After clicking
a CLO schedule will be created using linear interpolation of the
provided values.
Drag the points or the lines in the resulting graph to adjust the configuration.
Alternatively, use the table to enter values directly. Single or multiple table rows can
be removed by clicking the
NOTE: The reliable use of Constant Light Output requires extensive LED specification
assessment of life time behavior of LEDs.