ZoneScape 1-A module documentation
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Connecting ZoneScape to WiFi Router
1) Locate Customer’s Router Gateway
With Smart Phone
Download App - IP Location I/O (or similar IP address app)
Connect to CUSTOMERS wifi;
Find wifi gateway via app (ex -- write down/save for later
With PC (Windows)
Connect to CUSTOMERS wifi;
Search for cmd
Run cmd
Type ipconfig
Write down default gateway (ex
2) Adjust ZoneScape Wifi Settings
Connect to ZONESCAPE wifi
Open web browser (ex. Safari, Chrome); Type into the address
bar - Hit Enter/Go
Enter user / password = admin / admin
On the logged in webpage: Change netmode to wifi(client)-serial
For ssid hit scan, select the customer’s wifi name and press apply
Encrypt type remains (wpa2 aes)
Change the password to the customer’s wifi password
Change ip type to static - this will open up more settings.
Change ip address to first 3 sections of gateway, then .200 (xxx.xx.x.200). With
our example, it would be Write down/save for use in step 3.
Subnet mask remains
Default gateway to xxx.xxx.x.x (gateway obtained in step 1)
Primary dns server to xxx.xxx.x.x (gateway obtained from step 1)
Secondary dns server remains
Click apply
You will lose connection to the device
3) Adjust ZoneScape App
Reconnect to the CUSTOMERS wifi
Open ZoneScape app on phone and go to Settings
Click on the unit to be connected
Change the ip address to first 3 sections of gateway, followed by .200
(xxx.xx.x.200) This will be the same as entered in step 2 for IP address.