Service Modes, Error Codes and Fault Finding
the buffer is empty ('000'). See also paragraph 5.5 for a
Code 2. Gives the first 5 errors of the error buffer. See also
paragraph 5.5 for a description.
Volume. Gives the last status of the volume as set by the
customer. The value can vary from 0 (volume is minimum)
to 100 (volume is maximum). Volume values can be
changed via the volume key on the RC-transmitter.
Brightness. Gives the last status of the brightness as set
by the customer. The value can vary from 0 (brightness is
minimum) to 100 (brightness is maximum). Brightness
values can be changed via the 'CURSOR LEFT' and
'CURSOR RIGHT' keys on the RC-transmitter after
pressing the 'MENU' button and selecting 'PICTURE' and
Contrast. Gives the last status of the contrast as set by the
customer. The value can vary from 0 (contrast is minimum)
to 100 (contrast is maximum). Contrast values can be
changed via 'CURSOR LEFT' and 'CURSOR RIGHT' keys
on the RC-transmitter after pressing the 'MENU' button and
selecting 'PICTURE' and 'CONTRAST'.
Colour. Gives the last status of the colour saturation, as
set by the customer. The value can vary from 0 (colour is
minimum) to 100 (colour is maximum). Colour values can
be changed via 'CURSOR LEFT' and 'CURSOR RIGHT'
keys on the RC-transmitter after pressing the 'MENU'
button and selecting 'PICTURE' and 'COLOUR'.
Hue. Only relevant for NTSC-signals (e.g. some NTSC-
Customer Service Menu 2
Sharpness. Gives the sharpness value. The value can
vary from 0 (sharpness is minimum) to 7 (sharpness is
maximum). In case of bad antenna signals, a too high
value of the sharpness can result in a noisy picture.
Sharpness values can be changed via the 'CURSOR
LEFT' and 'CURSOR RIGHT' keys on the RC-transmitter
after pressing the 'MENU' button and selecting 'PICTURE'
Headphone volume. Gives the last status of the
headphone volume, as set by the customer. The value can
vary from 0 (volume is minimum) to 100 (volume is
maximum). Headphone volume values can be changed via
the 'CURSOR LEFT' and 'CURSOR RIGHT' keys on the
RC-transmitter after pressing the 'MENU' button and
selecting 'SOUND' and 'HEADPHONE VOLUME'.
Dolby. Indicates whether the received transmitter
transmits Dolby sound ('ON') or not ('OFF'). Attention: The
presence of Dolby can only be tested by the software on
the Dolby Signalling bit. If a Dolby transmission is received
without a Dolby Signalling bit, this indicator will show 'OFF'
even though a Dolby transmission is received.
Surround Mode. Indicates the by the customer selected
surround mode (or automatically chosen mode). In case
the set is a Non-Dolby set there will be displayed '0'. If it is
a Dolby-set then is displayed: 'Stereo', '3 Stereo', '3D
Surround', 'Dolby Pro Logic', 'Dolby Digital', 'Hall' or 'MPEG
Multi-channel'. These settings can be influenced after
pressing the 'MENU' button and selecting 'SOUND' and
'SOUND MODE'. It can also have been selected
automatically by signalling bits (internal software).
Tuner Frequency. Indicates the frequency the selected
transmitter is tuned to. The tuner frequency can be
changed via the 'CURSOR LEFT' and 'CURSOR RIGHT'
keys for fine tune after opening the installation menu and
selecting 'INSTALL' and 'MANUAL INSTALL'.
Front L Trim. Indicates the difference between main
volume and volume of front left speaker. Change via:
VOLUME'. The value can vary from '-10' to '+10'
Front R Trim. Indicates the difference between main
volume and volume of front right speaker. Change via:
VOLUME'. The value can vary from '-10' to '+10'
Digital Option. Gives the selected digital mode, '100 HZ',
'Digital Scan', 'Natural Motion', 'Double Lines', or 'Pixel
Plus'. Change via 'MENU', 'PICTURE', 'DIGITAL
Centre Trim. Indicates the difference between main
volume and volume of centre speaker. Change via:
(not available when 'Surround Mode' is set to 'STEREO' or
'HALL'). The value can vary from '-10' to '+10'
TV System. Gives information about the video system of
the selected transmitter.
BG: PAL BG signal received.
DK: PAL DK signal received.
I: PAL I signal received.
L: SECAM L signals received.
M38.9: NTSC M signal received with video carrier on
38.9 MHz.
Customer Service Menu 3
Balance. Indicates the balance settings, between '-50' and
'+50'. Change via 'MENU', 'SOUND', and 'BALANCE'. Not
applicable for Dolby Pro Logic sets.
Centre mode. Indicates if centre mode is set 'ON' or 'OFF'.
When centre mode is on, all TV speakers are used as one
centre speaker. Change Centre mode via 'MENU',
DNR. Gives the selected DNR setting (Dynamic Noise
Reduction), 'OFF', 'MINIMUM', 'MEDIUM', or 'MAXIMUM'.
Change via 'MENU', 'PICTURE', 'DNR'
Noise figure. Gives the noise ratio for the selected
transmitter. This value can vary from 0 (good signal) to 127
(average signal) and to 255 (bad signal).
Source. Indicates which source is used and the signal
quality of the selected source. Source: 'TUNER', 'EXT1',
'EXT2', 'EXT3', 'EXT4', or 'SIDE'. Signal Quality: 'VIDEO/
STEREO' or '1080i/STEREO'.
Audio System. Gives information about the audio system
of the selected transmitter: 'Analogue Mono', 'Analogue
Stereo', 'PCM 2/0', 'DD 1/0', 'DD 2/0 LtRt', 'DD 2/0 L0R0',
'DD 2/1', 'DD 2/2', 'DD 3/0', 'DD 3/1', 'DD 3/2', 'DD 1+1',
'MPEG 1/0', 'MPEG 2/0', 'MPEG 2/0 LtRt', 'MPEG 2/1',
'MPEG 2/2', 'MPEG 3/0', 'MPEG 3/1', 'MPEG 3/2', 'MPEG
1+1' or 'MPEG 2+2'.
Tuned bit. Gives information about the tuning method of
the stored pre-set. If a channel is found via 'automatic
installation', you will see the value 'Off'. When you change
this (automatically found) frequency via 'fine tune'
adjustment (installation menu - manual installation), the
displayed value will change to 'On'. Therefore, when you
see the value 'On' in this line, it is an indication that the
received channel is a non-standard signal (e.g. of a VCR).
Surround Speakers. Indicates if the surround speakers
are set 'ON' or 'OFF'. Change via 'MENU', 'SETUP',
On Timer. Indicates if the 'On Timer' is set 'ON' or 'OFF'
and if the timer is 'ON' also displays start time, start day and
program number. Change via 'MENU', 'TV', 'FEATURES',
and 'ON TIMER'.
Preset Lock. Indicates if the selected preset has a child
lock: 'LOCKED' or 'UNLOCKED'. Change via 'MENU', 'TV',
Customer Service Menu 4
Child Lock. Indicates the last status of the general child
lock: 'UNLOCK', 'LOCK', or 'CUSTOM LOCK'. Change via
Age Lock. Indicates the last status of the EPG rating for
child lock: 'OFF', '4 years', '6 years', '8 years', '10 years', '12
years', '14 years' or '16 years'. This is only displayed if child
lock is set to 'CUSTOM LOCK'
Содержание EM5E
Страница 7: ...Directions for Use EN 7 EM5E 3 3 Directions for Use ...
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Страница 19: ...Directions for Use EN 19 EM5E 3 ...
Страница 20: ...Directions for Use EN 20 EM5E 3 ...
Страница 36: ...Service Modes Error Codes and Fault Finding EN 36 EM5E 5 Personal Notes ...